Monday, May 26, 2014

It's Memorial Day, keep your politics to yourself!

82nd Training Air Wing
You know it's common place today for people to wear their politics on their sleeves.  We are in both a Nation and a World of polarized beliefs and opinions.  The chasm between Conservatives and Liberals has never been wider.  It shows in every facet of our lives.  I often call for people to leave kids out of the political feuds but today I'd like to stand up for the American soldier.  Memorial Day is not about why we do or don't go to war.  It's not about the justification of Treaties signed by men with power.  Nor is it about any political party.  Memorial Day is about the men and women that wear the uniform, travel far from home, stand on that wall, and are willing to sacrifice everything in the name of our freedoms.

Lately in both social media and political commentary, it seems that people are willing to throw the American soldier under the bus for the causes of political agendas.  This is a true American tragedy.  The American soldier is not some political pundit.  He does not lean to one party or the other.  He is sworn to protect freedom and the American way of life.  That way of life includes the freedoms of speech, press, demonstration, and protest.  So because of these soldiers you have the right to argue till you are blue in the face about all the policies, positions, pending laws, and pressing issues of the times.  But do not mix these issues with the men and women that gave you the rights and freedoms to argue about them.  If you have a problem with a law, take it up with a lawmaker.  If you have a problem with a foreign policy, take it up with a policy maker.  If you have a problem with politics, take it up with a politician.  If you have a problem with freedom, move to Cuba!

Scout honoring the fallen.
When it comes to Memorial Day I often think of my grandparents.  They were part of the "greatest generation".  They lived through so much and had such great stories to tell, I could listen to them all day and night.  They were children that survived the "27 High Water" as they called it.  This was the one of the greatest floods of all time in 1927 in America.  Then as young adults came World War II.  They did not hesitate, they just went.  They knew that Hitler and company had to be stopped.  There was no argument, no debate, just freedom to defend.  So when I see a man or woman in a uniform, that's who I think of and that's the respect I try to pay to them.  The American soldier is still the embodiment of  those of the greatest generation.  They don't care about Republicans or Democrats.  They just know that there is freedom to defend.  So no matter what side of the political arena you are in, don't drag the men and women in uniform into your arguments.  Show them the respects they are due and have a safe and blessed Memorial Day.