Saturday, March 27, 2010

Constitutional Rights??

I hear so many things said about Constitutional Rights these days, I often wonder if anyone has their "own" knowledge of these rights? It's so over played in media and political rhetoric that it's becoming a mythical thing. Constitutional Rights is up there now with the likes of Zen and the Force! How many Americans can quote any of their rights? Most wouldn't trust a politician to watch their goldfish but we leave the defending and interpting of our Constitutional Rights to them!

No where in the Constitution does it say that Republicans should keep Democrats in check or vise versa. It is our duty and right as Americans to keep all elected officials in check. We must hold them accountable for all their actions, both in legislative votes and public declarations. Their actions are the representation of us, the voters. When one of them supposedly sells their vote, we as electors have all sold our vote! When one of them uses their title to gain favors, we all have committed malfeasance!

The media is quick to distance us from the actions of politicians. Saying "don't get emotional about a Senate vote" or "we need to tone down the rhetoric" is not the words that should be broadcast. I should take it personal because, they are by law my representation! How quickly we could turn around the actions and personnel in government, if we would all take it personally!

Do not be put to sleep by smooth talking politicians or, their smooth talking media spokensmen! Stand up on your own two feet and defend your own Constitutional Rights!