Sunday, March 28, 2010

Financial Pretenders

Are you a financial pretender? This is a very murky question in today's America. The political powers that be would have us believe that it is all cut and dry. That it is a country of rich versus hard working and hard working versus welfare recipients. I say that this is not so. There are those who pretend to be any of the three.

Let's back up a step and look at the recent Obama Foreclosure Loan Modification Act. At first glance most would say this is another handout to welfare cases. But very few welfare recipients own homes. Then one would think this is for hard working people that struggle. The truth is hard working people either find a cheaper home or cut corners to make sure their mortgage is up to date. You must be 3 or more months behind to qualifiy. Ninety percent of the hard working people would be so embarrassed at being 3 months behind they would abandon the home. You would say surely this is not for the rich, because they have money to pay for their home. I say just because you have money doesn't mean you know what to do with it!

Yes folks, this is for the pretenders! These people are the ones who keep up with the Jones' and neglect their bills. They must have the latest style of shoes, clothing, cars, and hobbies. Sacrificing anything that would affect their popularity is just beneath them. They can tell you what and who is "hot" but, can't tell you what their mortgage interest rate is. These are the same people that think bankruptcy is no big deal and screwing someone out of their earned money is "just business". They quickly tell the mortgage company "I don't have the money for this months payment" and then invite all their friends over for steak night. Their version of "have to" applies only to material fads and fashions, not to paying their bills. I assure you that you know someone like this.

My wife is a realtor and, some of the things I've heard people tell her over the years would bend your mind. One person told my wife "I would rather go into foreclosure than not make a huge profit on my house". Another said "now is the best time to have a house foreclosed on"! She had to pick me up off the floor after that one.

The problem is these pretenders pose a danger to all of us. Their bankruptcies cost us in higher prices for everything from credit card rates to repairman bills. Their foreclosures bring the value of our homes crashing down. Their example causes our children to ask why we don't live like them. Worst of all, even though these people bad mouth welfare recipients and government handouts, these people will vote to keep this Socialist Administration in power. How else are they going to keep up the shell game without him?

Are you a financial pretender?