Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Howard Sternizing of America

I do a ridiculous amount of reading.  I read books and magazines. I read at least three chapters of the Bible every morning.  I have a Nook reader.  I follow other people's blogs.  I have Nook and Android apps that search news articles for things I like. I think you get the picture.  So the other day I'm reading a blog on marriage, and I look to the side of the blog and there is an advertisement for "meet single ladies".  I'm sure the irony of it has displayed itself before.  It just struck a nerve this time.  So what do I always do?  I research the issue.

Turns out that ads that run in contrary to the article being displayed get more "hits".  I'm willing to bet that some of you have posted on FB, "please no more game request", and look on either side of your post and there are ads for all the latest games.  And this holds true for just about all media.  Ever notice that being a responsible citizen by watching the news gets you blasted by over the top lawyer commercials?  A picture of a 18-wheeler hanging off the side of a bridge and a lawyer screaming he'll take them to court so you won't have to.  In reality you tuned in to be current on the affairs of our great nation and you are blasted with this need to take people to court?  I will spare you my very ugly opinion of Super Bowl commercials......No I won't.  Why does is take a hot chick in a mini skirt to sell nacho chips?  Do people not eat when ugly people are around?  A talking baby is supposed to make you feel good about investing your life savings?  Commercials in any media are way over the top and ridiculous, but the polling data says it has to be.  Why, because that's what we want.

This shock value issue is not just for advertisements.  People of many different occupations use shock value to sell themselves.  I could say turn on MTV and end my rant here.  But it's more than that.  Politicians will sell their soul to some outrageous idea just to get re-elected.  Do you really think Diane Fienstein believes criminals will obey gun laws?  Obviously NO, but her name get plastered all over and come election time she will tell her constituents that they need her name recognition in government.  Also in this list, believe it or not, are preachers!  Yes so called men of God will do anything for name recognition.  I read an article the other day about a self proclaimed cussing preacher.  Not that I'm naive, and think preachers don't curse.  But why is it necessary to have that as your title?  Do people feel closer to God because the preacher spews out profanity?  Does this bring notoriety to God?  No, this preacher is on the same path as one of those tramps on Jersey shore.  Sell your soul, body, mind, family, freedom, faith, and God for a buck.

This is the lazy state we live in today.  If you can't shock me out of my stupor then I won't get off the couch and buy your product.  What's next, shocking our children into learning things at school?  Welcome to The United Howard Sternizing of America!