Monday, May 20, 2013

Is that you, Big Brother?

It is impossible to turn on the news and not hear about the ridiculous and disturbing scandals in Washington D.C.  Most have to do with abuse of power and some are just plain apathy towards or country.  The idea of a government employees using the information of private citizens to help a political faction is flat out treason.  Our American understanding of the word treason comes from the story of Benedict Arnold.  Arnold was a General in the Revolutionary War.  His crimes were a grand total of informing the British of our Troop sizes and planning to surrender.  That's it!  He didn't kill Americans and he didn't blame the uncertain political climate of his day.  But today we have people in our government giving "troop sizes" of Tea Party officials to American Bridge 21st Century Foundation.  So the officials that did this are saying that they were just following orders and the heads of state are saying it wasn't their orders.  Somebody is lying.  The problem is no one is screaming treason and that is more than scary to me.

The bigger issue here is the total of scandals and the commonality of them all.  Using the guise of protectionism to wire tap newspaper reporters is clearly an evasion of the freedom of the press. Then again, no one gave the order to spy on the AP.  The extra scrutiny of the IRS of Conservative groups my sound like pure politics but it is a clear step to interfere with the process of democracy.  The fact is our country, freedom, and democracy are at risk.  Take the time to Google "NSA Utah Data Center".  This massive computer hub will have the capability to capture all forms of e-mails, cell phone information, credit card purchases, and anything else that has an electronic signature.  This place will be able to gather so much information they had to invent a new word.  "Yottabyte" is the equivalent to one quadrillion gigabytes of information.  Do you really need that much capability to track just the terrorist?  Then there is the most helpful Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.  (AKA Obamacare)  You are not smart enough to handle your own health care so we will create a massive government entity to do it for you.  This wonderful Act will need and have access to your bank accounts to insure you are healthy.  Then there's the issue that disgusts me the most.  You would think that this Totalitarian regime that invented Obamacare is worried about your life, but you would be deceived. To watch Hillary sit before a Congressional Panel and scream at the top of her lungs, "What difference does it make that four people died in Benghazi?" is nauseating.  For Congressmen to just sit and allow such things to be said is frightening.  Mind you, this is the same type of Congressional Panel that decided to prosecute Roger Clemens for injecting himself with hormones that would make him throw a ball faster.  We will crucify anyone who cheats at a ball game but honor people that let Americans die!

The common factors are as clear as day.  Unquestioned power to the ruling class.  Mass enslavement to the government subsidized systems.  No freedom to speak, report, or act on your own.  This is not Democracy at all.  Have you ever read "1984" by George Orwell?  Maybe he should have named it "2014" instead.  The part that bothers me is, in 1941 when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor it awoke the Sleeping Giant.  That Sleeping Giant rid the world of tyranny is four short years.  But when the terrorists flew those planes into those buildings, we fell fast asleep in the arms of Big Brother.   Sweet dreams my friends.

“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.” –Patrick Henry