Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Do your hips work just as well as your lips?

These days everyone talks a good game.  People will promise you the moon.  They will tell you whatever you want to hear.  Lying is like a second language for some.  But it's nothing more than lip service.  Without some form of action behind the words, it's all hot air past a silver tongue and some pretty lips.  I often tell people, can you walk what you talk?  And the answer more often than not is a big NO!

That's where the hips come in.  Can you walk your hips into the action that your lips promise.  Sing for days, months, and years about what you want to, intend to, or would like to do.  But until you put into action your intentions, it's all hot air.  You can say you want to quit a bad habit like drugs or alcohol, but until you actually do it your words mean absolutely nothing.  You can say you should spend more time with you kids, but until you log the hours with them you are just getting their hopes up for another disappointment. And trust me, those kids take note of these things.  It doesn't have to be negative.  Maybe you've talked about that business venture you have always wanted to start up.  Well until you strap up them boots and get after it those words will always hang in the air.  Or how often have you and your friends talked about the need to recognize certain members of your community for their works?  Get your hips in motion and make it happen because that's how things happen.  Everything else is just wishing upon a star.

Take a Walk
You see in this life you can promise all you want.  You can really, really mean it.  You can pinkie swear and cross your heart and hope to die.  But none of that counts for anything.  What counts is your actions.  Your motions.  People tend to believe you when you put one foot in front of the other and start moving your hips just as fast as you move your lips.   I know that's a hard concept in today's world of political talking heads where the gift of lying and smooth talk is valued.  But in the real world, where you deal with people on a one on one basis, these characteristics are invaluable.  Going the distance requires you actually covering a certain amount of ground, that means moving your body as much as your promises. When your actions and deeds match that your your words and promises then and only then can you become someone that is considered respectable, trustworthy, and reliable.  Be that person today!