Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tranquility base.

I've often read that some of the things that separate us from animals is our self awareness.  That we are efficient enough to take the time to reflect on our thoughts and the world around us.  But is that true of humans today?  How many take or have the time to think about their place in the universe? Most people have one or more jobs. (actual employment) Then most have kids in school, that brings things into your life such as homework, PTO, fund raisers, and the dreaded science projects. Some also sit on boards or committees for anything from sports to academic clubs to scouts. Let's not forget the one's who have to care for loved ones, whether it's a child with a learning disorder or an elderly parent that needs attention. These are all very good things to be involved in, but when do you find the time to immerse yourself in things that sooth your inner soul?

I'm talking about things that not only bring happiness but also bring a peace deep down inside of you. These things are usually not materialistic. They usually involve things that some would consider primitive. Finding the time to find inner peace is not selfishness. In fact, it's usually just the opposite. If you find a gift that you have a perfect harmony with, it often ends up bleeding your peace and tranquility onto others.  A number of friends, as well as my Son, find it in the playing of music. If you ask the ones who "love" to play music, how it makes them feel, they'll give you some responses that sound a little out there. Such as having connected with their roots. And I feel like I'm playing with angels. These people have found something that causes a harmony in their inner soul that no amount of materialistic gain could accomplish. I have one friend in particular that can sing with the best of the best and hit any note on the scale. Yet she has no interest in seeking fame or fortune. She's happy to sing at church or family gatherings. It's not about the gains it's about the peace.  Of course, there are other avenues to find peace. Personally, I find peace in gardening. To put your hands in the earth and feel the life God has placed there is an experience I have a hard time explaining. To know the value of ten minutes of rain and see a plant respond with it's fruit is priceless. Others find it in being counselors or mentors to less fortunate. Many find it in their quiet prayer closet. Some find it at the summit of a mountain where they feel closer to heaven. A rare few find it out in the open expanse of the ocean, where the vastness of our world puts them in touch with their place in it.  Oh to be on the Apollo 11 trip to the moon and report back from tranquility base.  Now that truly is a place to be alone with your thoughts.

There are many ways to find inner peace and harmony. I hope you make time to satisfy your soul. What good would it do to amass everything you could in life and be as hollow as a fallen tree? A world full of people that have filled their inner soul with peace is a world that has no need to try and take away peace from others.  Peace of mind and soul is such a precious commodity that you should seek your own.  I hope you find your own tranquility base without having to fly to the moon.

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