So earlier today Mr. Obama unveiled his strategy for removing senseless gun violence in America. Before I get to far, let me be clear, I'm a gun owner myself. That not withstanding, Mr Obama's plan to "protect our children" (I'll get back to that) is to remove assault weapons, large magazines, mental patients from owning guns, and my personal favorite a gun trafficking law. And it all makes such perfect sense, does it not? I'm mean who doesn't want a safer America? Why not curb violence at all cost? Isn't it the right thing to do?
There is an ageless saying, "when people have something you want, you make them your enemy and take it from them." When Germany was crippled after the first Great War, the only people with money where the Jewish businessmen. So in order for Germany to pull itself up it listened to the hate mongers of the Nazi party and made Jews their enemy. It only cost 6 million Jews their lives! Not to mention the World War that cost 36 million total lives. And yes the Nazi's paraded little blonde haired, blue eyed, Arian children to defend their hate speech's. A little closer to home, we Anglo's wanted the land that those savage Natives had. So what did we do? We proclaimed them savages and unruly Neanderthals. And yes we paraded little scalped Anglo children out to proclaim our viciousness as just.
You see what our modern day Gun fight is about is plainly, POWER. We the people balance the power in this Democracy. (I use the term loosely) If you don't believe that, then listen to the framers of our country.
There is this little snip from George Mason;
" disarm the people - that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
James Madison;
"Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."
And yes the man himself, George Washington;
"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government."
You see the power brokers that be, want to expand outside of their bubble called Washington DC. The problem is, once out in the real America there is this balance of power thingy. It must be dissolved at any cost. If we have to vilify gun owners? Done. If we have to parade little children in front of camera's as props? Done. By the way the best way to keep my children safe? Is to teach them where the safety is on the gun, while teaching them both handling and respect of my guns. It's called education!
While I agree there are people who have lost their rights to own a gun, that is no reason to vilify me. While I'm horrified by the extremist groups, who by the way invaded my town and killed two police officers (kill them now I say), that is no reason to hunt me down like a criminal. Power is seized by those who see the opportunity. I say take a stand while you still can. Once the balance of power has left the people, it will be gone forever. Those Jews didn't get their lives back and we didn't vacate the lands of the Natives.
If you don't stand firm on the ideals of Democracy, then it will be nothing more than a distant fable.
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